Lower your energy bills by choosing a PEB
Did we mention how energy efficient a PEB is? Well, this efficiency shows up in your bills! They will be significantly lower than traditional buildings.
Less consumption, cheaper energy
Energy efficiency means less consumption, and less consumption means less spending.
Plus, the energy a PEB generates is significantly cheaper than purchasing it from a supplier via the electricity grid, and its price remains stable as it is unaffected by market fluctuations.
Numbers prove it: long-term electricity generation costs range from €69 to €73/MWh
while the costs for purchasing electricity fluctuate between €245 and €380/MWh.
Excess energy: a source of money
In addition, the excess energy produced by the PEB ("Plus" in PEB!) can be supplied to surrounding buildings or sold to the grid, generating an economic return. The revenues from selling electricity to the network vary between €50 and €100/MWh, depending on the country.
Maintenance costs: nothing to be worried about
Are you wondering about the costs that come with such advanced technologies?
Worry not! While the technologies in a PEB are indeed more complex than those in traditional buildings and may require specialised maintenance - which can be more expensive, as case studies suggest - the energy savings will more than compensate for these costs. In the long run, you will save more than you spend.
Up to date with the latest directives
You won't have to worry about spending money on building renovations. According to the latest European Directives by 2030 all new buildings will need to meet the nZEB (nearly zero energy building) standards, which means that renewable energy produced should cover all or nearly all the building's energy needs. However, PEBs go a step further: they produce more energy than they need, and will remain state-of-the-art for a long time, without losing value.
Do you need other reasons to choose a Plus Energy Building?
Here are two more benefits: